The Foxy character was tired for one audience (bingo) and disliked by another (casino). He had to go but he had to stay. Tricky.
The solution was to focus on who is inside the Foxy suit, which allowed us to dial Foxy up (head on) and dial Foxy down (head off).
Our new proposition – ‘Random Fun’ – gave us the excuse to have someone unexpected as the celebrity endorsement – in this case,
the Hollywood actress Heather Graham.
Media – National TV, OOH, Press, PR.
“In a world where quality response is all that matters, this can only be won by having a clear understanding of what motivates
our customers.”
Adele Lawton / Former Group Head of Cashcade / Foxy
As a result, Foxy became the 9th most recalled ads on TV at a fraction of what the other brands in the Top 10 were spending.

In addition, the PR around the campaign launch generated over £1M of additional media value.